How to warm up a new email address

Want to make warming up your email address easier? Check out our Warm Up Your Email tool - if you have an active Mailshake account, it's free. Click here to learn more.

Manually send out emails to people in your network

For 1-2 weeks, manually log into your domain provider (Gsuites/email or Office365) and send out 5-10 emails to people in your network. This can be co-workers, family, friends, or other people you know – they will reply to the email (people you trust). What’s included in the body and subject of the email doesn't matter as much as actually getting a reply. If the recipient finds the email in the spam folder or labeled as potentially spam, have them click on “not spam” and reply.

Subject: Quick Update

Body: This email is intended to warm up this domain. This is meant to look like traditional internal and external company communication. We will be sending an email like this every day this week.

Please reply with a simple “Thank you”.
Subject: Warm Up Email

Body: This email is intended to warm up this domain. We are warming up this domain to do some outreach. Would you be interested?

Please reply with a simple “I am interested, what day works for you?”
Subject: Great Job

Body: Wanted to reach out and say you are doing a great job. Would love to chat sometime and catch up on a video call? 
What day would work best for you? 

Please reply with a time that would work best for you

Subject: Quick Question

Body: I saw you were recently involved in a project. Curious if you'd have a chance to walk me through it?

Please reply with a time that works for a quick chat.

Ask them to reply to the email, to label it as not spam (if the email service labeled it as such), to mark it as important, but most importantly to open and reply! The response should be something positive such as:

Subject: Quick Update

Body: Thank you so much for your email! Let’s chat sometime.
How are things on your end?
Subject: Warm Up Email

Body: I am interested in learning more. Can we hop on a quick call soon?

Super interested!
Subject: Great Job

Body: Appreciate the feedback! How are you doing with your projects?
Subject: Quick Question

Body: Thank you for your email, working hard on this project!

Let’s catch up soon!

These types of responses will build up the reputation of the email and the domain and ensure higher deliverability rates. This will in turn result in higher open and response rates, and ultimately more interested prospects.

If you’d like to keep things simple for the people helping you out with responses, you can tell them they can use quick responses suggested by Gmail or another email service. Google’s typical suggestions are similar to:

  • Sounds good to me.
  • That works for me.
  • Yes, I agree.
  • Etc.

Sign up for 5-10 reputable newsletters

This will help further build a reputation, and it helps with the sending and receiving ratio as well. The sending and receiving ratio is used by AI and bots that monitor email behavior to determine reputation. When a domain is primarily used for email marketing/outreach, it usually has a disproportionate ratio of sending and receiving. Here are a few suggestions for email newsletters.

  • Mailshake
  • Quora
    • Quora is different because you can pick topics and spaces you're interested in. We recommend selecting categories in different topic areas that are not exclusively related to marketing, sales, and cold email outreach.
    • Make sure to sign up to receive daily updates to your email.
  • Crunchbase - Startup News - Great resource for sourcing prospects for certain verticals.

Register for different apps and services

Sign up for LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. – essentially any service that will send a verification email. This helps with reputation and building up credibility.

Examples Include: 

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