What is Email Pixel Tracking?

Opens are tracked by what's called an Email Tracking Pixel. This is a 1x1 pixel embedded in an email, which can be in the header or footer of an email.

We give you the ability to track opens and that's on by default.

Email servers will pick up on this pixel, which can affect deliverability rates, especially at first while you're building your domain’s reputation. Mailshake offers this capability; here is a tutorial on how to set it up.

Email servers will pick up on this pixel, which can affect deliverability rates, especially at first while you're building your domain’s reputation.

One thing you can do is make sure to set up a Custom Tracking Domain.

What's the reason for the pixel?

Some marketing teams use the information embedded on the tracking pixel to understand incoming traffic to a website or particular landing page – it helps indicate what marketing efforts are the most effective or what email campaigns are performing the best.

Pixel tracking is what enables the analytics of email open rates, and any other analytics and data collected when a recipient opens an email. This feature is great for A/B Testing campaigns – it will help you determine what campaign or copy performs better and provide some feedback for you to fine-tune content and strategy and maximize marketing efforts.

Mailshake uses tracking pixels to report on opens and clicks from your campaigns. You can choose to turn tracking on or off when you create your campaign.

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