Extend Zapier beyond the built-in Mailshake actions

This is an advanced use case of Zapier. If you're familiar with APIs or you've used Webhooks in Zapier before, you should be all set!

However, if you're unsure how to proceed, we'd recommend checking with your IT team or your Engineering team as they'll be able to help you with this. Mailshake isn't able to provide custom integrations at this time.

Creating your own action

Through the use of Zapier's "Webhooks" action, you can make Zapier do things that Mailshake doesn't support out of the box. Here's how you can do this yourself:

1. Select the "Webhooks" action

In Zapier, choose "Webhooks by Zapier" instead of "Mailshake" in the action step of your Zap.

2. Find your Mailshake API key

Inside Mailshake under "Integrations" is a menu item called "API." Here is where you'll find your secret API key. You may need to click a button to enable API access.

3. Configure your Zapier action

Back in Zapier, choose the "POST" action and customize it as follows.  Check out our API docs to find the action you'd like to take in Mailshake. In our example, we're choosing to pause a campaign. Be sure to add the apiKey parameter to the "Data" section, along with any other required parameters as listed by our API docs. 

Hint: If you need the ID of your campaign, you can easily find it by logging into your Mailshake account and inspecting the url. Our urls are in this format:

https://mailshake.com/app/#/<TEAM ID>/campaigns/<CAMPAIGN ID>/overview

4. Finish

In Zapier proceed through the rest of the Zap setup. It should send a test which in our example will pause your campaign. Refresh your page in Mailshake and you should see your campaign was paused.

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